A Crazy-Simple Way to Sell More Kindle Books


You’ve published a Kindle book and it’s time to promote it to your audience. Only there’s a problem…

Your visitors come from all corners of the globe!

How do you send a Canadian buyer to Amazon.ca or a British buyer to Amazon.co.uk without cluttering things up with links for each country?

Amazon has stores for specific countries.

It’s Easier Than You Think!

Let’s say your book is called “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” If you promote the book using the regular amazon.com link…


all of your customers will end up at amazon.com.

Great for your American audience.

Not so good for everyone else.

Here’s how to send everybody to the correct store (and maximize your sales in the process!):

1) Copy your book’s ASIN number. You’ll find it in the “Product Details” at Amazon…

Amazon Kindle product details.

2) In the link below, replace the red text with your ASIN…


That gives you a link that will automatically redirect users to the right store…


Click it and give it a try! If your “local” store is Amazon.com, ask a friend from overseas to click it and ask them where they end up!

Want more info? Click here to learn more about authl.it.

Authl.it does participate in the Amazon Associate program which means that if you or someone else wants to include your own affiliate ID, you’ll need to use a different service. Try this: http://www.booklinker.net/index.php

BONUS HACK: Have more advanced needs – like sending customers to non-book products, or products you promote as an affiliate? Check out GeniusLink.

Bottom Line Takeaway?

Sending non-U.S. customers to Amazon.com means wasted referrals. Amazon won’t thank you.

Don’t make folks “figure it out.” Many will not bother to search for your book in their local store.

Use a service like authl.it or GeniusLink for a fast, effective solution.

If you’re an affiliate, create your book links with BookLinker…


You’ll earn your royalties and you’ll earn an affiliate commission on every sale.

Now that you’re reaching a global audience for your ebook on Amazon, take your sales to the next level with these publishing tips.

Ken Evoy (CEO, SiteSell)
Ken Evoy is the Founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of SiteSell Inc. He is the creator of Solo Build It!, SiteSell's comprehensive online business-building system. Ken is also a successful inventor, author, and emergency physician. He feels strongly that solopreneurs can be empowered by leveraging their income-building potential online.