Crisis proof your income with an online business and never have to worry again about unexpected events in the future.
In 2008, as the economy collapsed, millions of people turned to the internet, looking for ways to replace lost income. At the time, many of these folks didn’t know that those searches would turn out to be highly significant, or that they’d lead to crisis proofing their income for the future.
In 2008, I was working from home doing mechanical engineering design (with my brother) and then the recession began. Work dried up. What to do? I tried selling stuff on Amazon à la “FBA” (Fulfillment By Amazon) but the only ones being fulfilled were Amazon themselves.
After much research. I became the proud parent of a brand new bouncing baby website I’d decided to call Easy Food Dehydrating. And the rest, as they say, is history!Susan Gast,
Once again, and practically overnight, our world has abruptly and dramatically changed. Everything is impacted by the global health crisis — family life, work, businesses, school, socializing, sports, entertainment, shopping and travel.
How can we help?
By helping you put a Plan B into motion to protect your income-earning ability for the future.
Start an Online Business That Enables You to Work From Home Not Only in Times of Crisis
It’s natural to be worried. We’re in a situation unlike anything we’ve ever experienced in our lifetime. But don’t feel you have to simply wait it out — there are opportunities.
Everyday people just like you can and do live life on their terms.
By building their own online business.
So… what exactly does that mean?
An online business is a website or blog that enables you to make money in various ways.
We use the term “business” because it reinforces a more serious mindset. You aren’t just “blogging” or “putting up a website.” You’re building an actual business.
Will you earn income over night? No. But — if you start today — you will create a solid foundation to either supplement or replace your full-time income in the future, while working from home.
Why Building an Online Business Is the Best Thing You Can Do Right Now to Crisis Proof Your Income
During quarantines, lockdowns and social distancing, here’s what having an online business can mean for you…
- minimal startup costs
- work from home
- no commute
- you’re in control
- reach a global audience
- be part of a community
- help people worldwide
- ongoing learning
- avoid boredom
- crisis-proof your income
Now that we’ve talked about why starting an online business today is the smartest thing to do, let’s look at how Solo Build It! can help you do it.
Well, first of all, you’ll get everything you need to go from idea to income-generating online business. You won’t have to look for any outside tools, plugins or learning resources. It’s all included, in one neat package.
And that’s not all. Perhaps the most important benefit of starting with Solo Build It! is this…
Far From Just Being a “Platform,” Solo Build It! Offers a Real Help and Be-Helped Community
If you’ve never worked from home before, or if you’ve never built a website or blog, you’ll probably have lots of questions. Questions about the how-to, the process, the technical details.
But also, and perhaps even more importantly, you’ll have questions and concerns about…
- how to overcome self-doubt
- how to deal with feeling isolated when working from home
- how to stay motivated
And, of course, you’ll also want a place where you can share your achievements and celebrate your successes!
For fun and challenging moments alike, you’ll become part of an amazing community who gather to share everything about their online business journeys.
The SBI! forums helped me so much when I was starting out. I got all my questions answered there and the motivation to keep moving forward.Doug Mann,
Every day, thousands of friendly, knowledgeable SBI! members visit the private Solo Build It! Forums, which are moderated by experienced SBI! members. Even Ken Evoy, creator of Solo Build It!, takes time to contribute and share his vast knowledge with this vibrant community.
And one day, you’ll be able to give back — to answer a “newbie’s” question or encourage a member when he or she is struggling with something.
The “help and be helped” spirit in the Solo Build It! forum community is legendary, spanning over 15 years with millions of posts.
Some SBI! members say the forums alone are worth the price of Solo Build It!. This applies all the more in times like now, where an online community may be the only place to turn to for advice on staying positive.
Don’t Wait for the Next Unexpected Event. Get Started on Your Plan B and Crisis Proof Your Income for the Future
Remember Susan Gast’s testimonial shared earlier? Her food dehydrating business is still going strong over a decade later.
Susan is a powerful example of how the decision to start your Plan B in a time of crisis can alleviate the impact of a possible future recession on you and your family — and crisis-proof your income for the future.
Read about more folks who have made the decision to get started with an online business and crisis proof their income for the present and for the future.
Get a free, no-strings-attached, no-pressure-to-buy consultation. Our Advisors know SBI! inside out. They use it to build their own online businesses.
If you’re unsure if SBI! is right for you, it helps to talk to a “real” person who was once where you are now. Give them a call at 1-888-987-2669 or contact them via email.

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