This innovative 10 week course guides want-to-be solopreneurs through the process of creating and marketing a website business. We’ve interviewed SiteSell Instructor David from Montreal to find out what this course is all about.
How long have you taught the SiteSell course at an area college?
I’ve been teaching for almost 9 years. It is hard to believe it has been that long since I came up with the idea and taught the first ever course in Montreal, Canada. This was the first time that the “How to Build a Successful Online Business Using the Internet” was offered in a live classroom setting as part of an adult education college course.
Today there are two versions of the course, an SBI! and a SBI! for WP. In the latter students use the popular WordPress platform to create their website.
Hundreds of individuals have taken the course. Some already owned SBI! or SBI! for WP and wanted to speed up their business building. Others were budding new solopreneurs who were frustrated and confused as to how to get started. Both types of students have gone on to success.
I am not saying everyone who takes the course ends up succeeding. It’s like anything else. There are certain people who are serious and will do the work to build an income-generating business. Then there are those who take the course because they believe the course is a short cut.
How did you first get involved with SiteSell?
I understand the road to creating an online business is really tough. In fact, I was
on the verge of giving up several times. Then I found SiteSell and all it had to offer. I was also able to meet SiteSell’s founder, Ken Evoy, when he lived in Montreal. He shared his amazing wisdom with me and that led directly to the course I teach today.
What is the experience like for the student in your classroom?
When a student registers for the “How to Build a Successful Business Using the Internet” course, they should think of it as the Action Guide (the step-by-step business-building tutorial included in every SBI! and SBI! for WP subscription) coming to life before their eyes. They’ll get their questions answered right away and be able to bounce ideas off fellow students. It’s like having their own mastermind group for 10 weeks.
Each student is required to prepare and read the portion of the Action Guide we are covering that week. I know this is hard for some people due to time constraints, but during every 3 hour session there is plenty of time to work on their site in class. Of course, the more time a student dedicates to their online business outside of class, the sooner results will come.
In my class I like to take it a few steps further: I use case studies and videos of very successful SBI! or SBI! for WP owners that I’ve had the pleasure to meet and talk with over the years.
Case studies are powerful motivators. Every single one of them has a great story of struggle and success to share. Ultimately, they are where they are today simply by being diligent and following the proven CTPM process.
Another things that makes my classroom even more interactive and fun is that I have some of my former students come back and talk to the current students and help them out. I am fortunate for their assistance. It brings things to life for my current students to see and hear the stories of former students who have gone through the process and succeeded.
In your opinion what makes a good instructor?
The greatest lesson I have learned as an instructor is that you have to enjoy sharing your knowledge and be willing to help get their business started. Everyone learns differently so you need to be creative and patient. What might be easy for one may be a struggle for another. (Learn more about becoming an instructor here).
Why should someone register to take the course?
My best advice for someone who wants to build their online business in a classroom is to understand that it takes commitment to see it through. Be willing to make that investment in yourself. That is how maximum results come.
Most anyone who dedicates themselves can succeed at this. I’ve taken hundreds by the hand and helped them build a real live business.
The course is not for everyone, however. SiteSell is not for someone looking for a get rich quick program. The classroom version is a paint-by-the-numbers, step-by-step, hold you by the hand, everything you need to know course. Nothing has been left out.
Learning along with other people in the same situation is very helpful. I’ve seen it time and again how, over the 10 weeks course, people bond and start helping each other. Many times, after the course ends, the students keep in contact or get together. So there is a sense of community.
I tell everyone who asks why they should take the course, that by the end of the 10 weeks they will have a fully researched online business concept with a business plan to follow, along with a registered domain name and the 10 essential website components to being successful.
What are you planning next for your classes?
I am always tweaking the course staying true to the Action Guide but making the in class experience even more interactive and fun.
My students constantly ask me, “What’s next?” What many of them request, once they have the traffic, is help with monetization. On a few occasions, I’ve taught an Advanced Monetization Course at the college, for those students who have built at least 30 pages.
A few years ago we did the Advanced Monetization course as a live event down in Charleston South Carolina. We had people pay their way to come from around the world for 3 days of learning. The instruction, combined with the social component, made for a very successful event.
I am creating an online version of it right now which will be out soon.
I’d also like to do another live event, as I still hear from past students. There is always a group of new successful solopreneurs who want to share their knowledge and help others make money with their website.
To check if there’s an upcoming course in your area, please go to

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