On July 4th 1776, the Continental Congress declared that the thirteen colonies were no longer part of the British Empire, and regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America.
About this date, John Adams wrote, “It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.”
Similarly, on July 1st 1867, with passage of the British North America Act, Canada was officially established as a self-governing entity within the British Empire.
Those dates were later each declared as an official holiday – Independence Day – to mark those momentous occasions.
Which day will you declare as your personal Independence Day? The day that you decided to take control over your own future and start your own business. The day that you decided your personal freedom was important to you. The day that you’ll later celebrate ‘with pomp and parade.’
Imagine doing what you love, working when and where it suits you, with more time for family and friends, more time to enjoy summer… all the while building a future for yourself.
All you need is an idea… Solo Build It! and its sister offering for WordPress users, SBI! for WP, take you all the way from your idea to income. They provide everything you need to build an income generating online business, your stepping stone on the way to personal & financial freedom.
Since 2008, we all know that “safety” is an illusion, in the job, business and investment world. So you might as well “ride your inner tiger” and do something you are passionate about! Build an online business of your own!
There’s no better time than now to get started! Take advantage of SiteSell’s independence sale!
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Learn more about SBI! | Learn more about SBI! for WP
P.S.: Unsure if and how SBI! or SBI! for WP can help you build a profitable business? Our Advisor Team stands by to answer your questions. Click here to contact the Advisor Team for a free consultation.
P.S.S. Know someone else who has a great idea for a home based business, but just needs to get it off the ground? Use the share buttons below to send this to them!

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