You’ve just started your blog or website. You’re pumping out article after article and eagerly awaiting that first dollar. A couple months in, you feel dejected and think about giving up on your online business.
That is what blogxiety and why bloggers quit it all about. Why might you be thinking of quitting?
- Maybe you’re not getting the traffic or income you expected or desired.
- Perhaps the initial spark and excitement have faded, and you’re beginning to doubt whether this was the right thing to do.
- You’re wondering how much work you have to put in before you start seeing results.
- Your goals and aspirations seem far out of reach.
Do any of these points describe you?
They might, and maybe they still do. But if you’ve gone on to achieve great things in the online world, you’ll know that sometimes you just have to push that little bit harder to begin seeing the fruits of your labour.
So why is it that so many enthusiastic bloggers or website owners simply give up their pursuit of online business success?
Here are the five main reasons, along with tips on how you can overcome them:
1. Blogxiety and Why Bloggers Quit
A relatively new term, unknown by most bloggers but certainly felt by many, blogxiety is quite simply anxiety associated with blogging.
We all experience anxiety in other aspects of life, so what’s different with blogxiety?
Well, like any stress associated with work, it makes matters unpleasant. Work-related stress may well have been what encouraged you to start your own business and be your own boss, to get away from the looming deadlines and workplace politics.
If you haven’t made the move to solopreneurship, perhaps the company you work for is insisting on a return to in-office working again, adding more stress in your attempt to maintain your family’s hard earned work-life balance.
Blogxiety is the solopreneur’s equivalent of work-related stress, and it can result in potentially successful bloggers quitting for a number of reasons:
Blogging burnout from trying to do too much too quickly, for too long. Don’t push yourself too hard. Set short-term content goals that you know are achievable based on your abilities and your available time.
If you know you can only write one new article a week, then write one. Exceeding your limit will create work/life imbalance, and the quality of your work will suffer too.
Comparing your level of success with those more successful than you. This can do one of two things: Encourage you and show you what’s possible, or discourage you and make you doubt that you’ll ever achieve the same.
If you’re in the latter group, remember that everyone starts at the bottom. View the blogs you admire and look up to as great sources of information and inspiration. Observe what works for them and use what you learn to achieve your own goals.
Limited technical and website development knowledge. For those keen on starting out, this can often be a major deterrent.
Solo Build It! requires no previous technical abilities. Every step of the way to success is clearly defined and laid out in the Action Guide.
2. Not Looking Before You Jump
Finding the right niche is arguably the most important aspect of starting a successful online business. Sometimes all that passion and excitement at the start of your journey can lead to hurried decisions and dreadful consequences down the line.
Picking a niche you’re not passionate about or one in which you don’t have much experience or knowledge is often a recipe for disaster.
Choosing a niche is about a lot more than just keywords; it's about aligning passion with potential and purpose with proficiency.Click To TweetThat’s why it’s paramount that you take as long as you need to ensure you hone in on your perfect niche, which means answering “yes” to just about all of the following:
- Are you truly passionate about your niche?
- Are you knowledgeable or experienced in this niche?
- Does your niche have sufficient monetization potential?
- Is your niche aligned with your values?
If you’re having trouble with niche selection, this article on how to choose the perfect niche breaks the process down into three simple steps.
3. Not Being Realistic With Yourself
Many aspiring bloggers fall into the trap of expecting overnight success. This is likely what quickly leads to bloxiety and why bloggers quit.
The reality is that building a successful online business takes time, effort, and consistent dedication.
You likely will not see immediate results, so you may become discouraged and wonder what you’re doing wrong. But the results will often follow long after you publish the first or even the 21st article.
Expecting instant blogging success? That will only set you up for disappointment. Be patient and, above all, be realistic.Click To TweetIt can take many months to a year or more before you see that first dollar roll in. But in the long run, it’s all worth it. Set short-term goals, and dedicate a certain amount of time each day or week to your website. Slowly but surely you’ll start reaping the rewards.
4. Thinking Blogging Is Easy
Creating quality content that’s loved by humans and search engines alike isn’t easy. But it’s not all that complicated either. Once you get the hang of it, what quickly becomes apparent is the amount of work involved.
Working consistently on your website and regularly publishing new content takes dedication and perseverance. Blogxiety and why bloggers quit is what happens when folks become distracted by promises of quick riches as a blogger.
Many underestimate the time and effort needed to be successful and ultimately make a living blogging. Create valuable content regularly, engage with your audience, and grow your website’s traffic. Eventually you’ll see the time and effort you invested convert into income.
To stay on track, create a content schedule. Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones.
Surround yourself with like-minded individuals in-person or online, who share the same interests as you and who can provide support and encouragement throughout your journey.
5. Thinking Motivation Is Enough
When a lot of hard work is required, what do you need?
Coffee 😉 But also motivation.
We all know motivation is important when it comes to doing or achieving just about anything. It also ties in with passion and niche selection. You’re passionate about your niche and you’re also motivated to share your valuable insight with the world.
Motivation to work on your business often comes in bursts. It’s that surge of excitement and inspiration that makes you eager to create content and engage with your audience.
But as with any venture, there will be moments when the initial enthusiasm fades. Life gets busy, unexpected challenges arise, and maintaining, let alone growing, a website can feel like an uphill battle.
The important thing to remember is that motivation isn’t consistent, isn’t regular and isn’t predictable. Motivation ebbs and flows. You might knock out three new articles one morning, while you accomplish absolutely nothing for the next three weeks.
This is where dedication and perseverance come into play.
Dedication is the commitment to your website and the willingness to put in the effort consistently. It’s the discipline to stick to your content schedule, even when you don’t feel like it.
Perseverance, on the other hand, is the determination to push through obstacles and setbacks. It’s the resilience to keep going even when you face criticism, low traffic, or slow progress.
A good balance of motivation, dedication and perseverance is necessary to become and remain successful. If you’re running a bit low on the motivation side of things, here are 7 business motivation tips that work.
Motivation may ignite your blogging journey, but dedication and perseverance are what keep the flame burning through the trials and tribulations.Click To TweetBlogxiety and Why Bloggers Quit: Wrapping Up
I could write a dozen more reasons for bloxiety and why bloggers quit, but the five I’ve mentioned encapsulate the core culprits for online business failure.
Even the most successful of bloggers have experienced setbacks and discouraging moments along the way. I know I certainly have!
The difference between the successful solopreneurs and the quitters is that the successful ones kept on pushing. They saw challenges as opportunities and failures as learning opportunities. And they kept their eyes fixed on their goals. That’s exactly what you need to do, and keep doing, even when you don’t feel like it.
Remember that a blogger’s journey is a marathon, not a sprint.
Pace yourself, because your passion and, above all, your story, are worth the commitment to success.

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