What Should SBI! Cost?

Suppose you were to buy, from a variety of different vendors around the Internet, all the functionality that SBI! includes. Let's add up the total yearly value (amounts in the table below are in US Dollars, USD)...

Function (if bought separately) USD/year
Brainstorming and researching tools $200
SiteSell Supply (Unique tool assesses REAL competition) "Priceless"
Three unique "ultimate brainstormers" $120
Sophisticated decision-making software (makes niche-choosing foolproof) $60
Web/HTML/graphic designer (an inexpensive one) $1,000
Hosting of your site (state-of-the-Internet speed & reliability, no limits) $240
Automatic domain name annual renewal $15
Special page and image management tools (better than FTP) "Priceless"
Unique Automated Site-Blogging $120
Unlimited URLs to search engines automatically via XML
(Automated updating/sending XML Sitemap to Google, Bing, Yahoo!; Click-button easy prioritization of individual pages within Sitemap XML file)
Ranking Reports for your Keywords at Google, Bing, Yahoo! $240
Unique Keyword search reports for Bing, Yahoo! $120
Search engine optimization $200
Unique 2-Level image search report $120
SBI! Xpress, Tips HQs and Resources HQ
(All Internet marketing is research done and digested for you, no need to "keep up.")
4 Traffic HQs $120
Click-in and click-through analysis $200
E-zine Subscription and Mailouts
(Build your own lists with newsletter, including SpamCheck & open rate.)
Form Build It! (with CAPTCHA graphic-challenge)
(Automated Forms & Sequential Autoresponders)
Link Fix It! (No more bad links, ever!)
(Automated scanning of all links, reports "bad links.")
Full Email/Webmail With Spam 'n Virus Blast It! $100
Best-of-Breed Sitebuilder (BlockBuilder 2) "Priceless"
Socialize It! (automated Social Media Marketing, a must) "Priceless"
Private SBI! Forums "Priceless"
Action Guide/Video Guide/"Guru-in-your-ear" help "Priceless"
Content 2.0 "Priceless"
Total Value (in USD), if bought separately $3,855 +
Priceless x 7

Even if you were to research the Internet and piece together all these features at a cost of $3,800+, you would still be missing unique, priceless SBI! functionality. Here are just a few examples...

  • Brainstorm It! V3.0 has pushed keyword brainstorming and researching, as well as niche selection to a whole new level. Important and unique concepts like VALUE Demand and REAL Supply provide stronger guidance for content development. There are many other improvements, including brainstorming three site concepts (niches) at the same time. It all adds up to the world's first smart brainstormer, niche-picker, and keyword researcher.

  • No other product automates the complex process of submitting your pages and then automatically re-submitting them to Google and all major search engines, depending on whether and when your pages are spidered or indexed (all in a search-engine-friendly fashion, via the automated creation, updating and pinging of an XML sitemap file).

    SBI! even enables you to give special instructions to the engines in the sitemap file. SBI! provides the tools to achieve what you want (ex., "give this page more priority"). It takes care of the "techie how" without you ever worrying about that.

  • Just before you build each page, SBI! analyzes that page and tells you exactly what to do to rank high and be found at the engines. After it's ranking, SBI! even tells you how to rank higher!

  • RSS/Blog It! converts your entire SBI! site into a blog. Only SBI! "site-blogs." This is a powerful way to distribute your website to the world, with the mere click of a button! (You can blog conventionally, too, if you are so inclined.)

  • Only SBI! and Content 2.0 deliver a true engagement platform for small e-businesses. It provides the content-building and traffic-growing power of such powers as Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter.

  • Since everything is integrated, only SBI! can run 24x7 across-the-site background functionality (unheard of even for professionals) that improves search results, alerts you to broken links, and so forth... all automatically.

No other software does so much at any price... all at no added cost.

Add even more dollar-value due to the sheer productivity that SBI! delivers by providing all these features, all in one place, and all working together. What hourly dollar-value do you put on the bother-free time-saving of true integration?

And how much would a webmaster, graphic designer, search engine optimization expert, and computer programmer charge you, not just to get started, but to maintain your site? Add that in, too, because you don't need anyone else to succeed with SBI!.

SBI! is always up-to-date, too, saving you even more hours. For example...

  • No need for you to read 100+ Internet-marketing e-zines -- we do that.

  • New technology emerging? SBI! takes care of all that, too.

  • And do not worry if/when search engines change how they deliver search results. We automatically integrate changes into SBI!, so you always wring the most out of your site... at no added cost and time for you.

What value can you possibly put on these hours-per-day-saving services alone? They free you to focus on your business, instead of struggling to stay up-to-date in the fast-paced, constantly changing, online business world.

No other product, or combination of products, comes close to this complete package. All the tools, all in one place, all for one price, and all tied together into a straightforward, integrated, step-by-step process that works.

Based on all that SBI! delivers, a yearly subscription should sell for $3,800+ per year. Good news though! It costs much less than one-tenth of that to renew SBI!.